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Alex Salihin


Personal Trainer

Raffles Place, Singapore

Who am I?

I am a coach here in Singapore and over 2 decades in the fitness industry has taught me so much more about working with clients than exercise selection, reps and sets. As an over 40 year old professional in this industry, I have come to believe that for a lot of us, physical fitness is simply but one aspect of the bigger puzzle which is deep health. Sure, we all want to be able to get stronger, be leaner, age better and be able to perform the most mundane tasks in life, well. Question is - HOW do we do this intelligently, without getting injured, frustrated and burnt out in the process, as so many do? (Especially when you're not 25 anymore). Other factors like lifestyle, stress management, sleep, nutrition quality and hormonal imbalances (yes, I am going to talk about it) play a massive part in how we make continual, realistic progress because guess what - going for random 45 minute classes daily and getting smashed is NOT the answer to getting yourself to a better place. If you're one of those folks guilty of this - ever wonder why you're still on Google (and in this instance, here) looking for answers on how to shed that last 5-10 kilos of body fat and you still don't understand why you can't yet do ONE miserable pull up even though you've been training for a long while? Or that your form and patterns on most exercises still look absolutely rubbish? Well, you can stop googling now and send over a submission form for a consult. We will chat over Zoom or Skype, which will initially take about 45 minutes. Why that long? Because I need to UNDERSTAND YOU. How you eat, sleep, work, engage with people all matter to me. As do your ethnicity, daily habits, training age, sleep hygiene, nutrition and your daily activity habits. Only once I have truly understood your history do I actually start getting to work with prescribing a fitness program OR telling you to go visit your doctor for some blood tests because I might have picked up on something and its good to know where you are anyway with your hormones and general health markers. We can get into all of the details when we speak. Till then, I hope I have made some sense here and I look forward to working with you! Web: IG: