Terms On Request Cancellation

1. Job Cancellation by Service Provider:

If you, as a service provider, have accepted a service request and subsequently need to cancel the service, the following conditions apply:

  • Cancellation Fee: You will be required to pay a cancellation fee equivalent to the summation of StringsSG platform fees and payment processing fees.
  • Refund of Earnings: You must refund any earnings that have been paid to you for the respective service request.

2. Request Cancellation by Consumer Client:

If a consumer client decides to cancel a service request, the following terms will apply:

  • Cancellation 1 Day Before the Service: If the consumer client cancels the service request one day before the scheduled service, you, as the service provider, will refund any earnings if any prior payment was made.
  • Cancellation on the Day of Service (1 Hour Before): If the consumer client cancels the service on the same day, with at least one hour's notice before the scheduled service start time, you are not required to issue a refund. However, the client may choose to reopen the service and reschedule it for a later date.
  • Cancellation on the Day of Service (Less than 1 Hour Remaining): If the consumer client cancels the service on the same day, with less than one hour remaining from the scheduled service start time, you are not required to issue a refund. Again, the client may choose to reopen the service and reschedule it for a later date. In such cases, a revisit fee of $25 may or may not apply, depending on the agreement between StringsSG Pte Ltd and the consumer client.

These terms have been established to ensure fairness and clarity in the cancellation process. We encourage all service providers to communicate openly with consumers and uphold these terms to provide a positive experience for all users of the StringsSG platform.

By providing your services on the StringsSG platform, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Failure to comply may result in appropriate actions, including account suspension or termination. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms, please feel free to contact our support team for assistance.

Thank you for being a valued service provider on StringsSG, and we look forward to a successful partnership.